Attention Single Men Over 40

I'm looking for 5 single men between 40 & 60 who want to find a female partner.

If that's you read on...

We've been getting it wrong...

...Most women aren't looking for their own Conan!

For most women, too much muscle is a turn-off, rather than a turn-on.

What we think women want:

  • A hunk – bulging muscles and a six-pack are more likely to attract another man than a woman! Men are visual women are not.
  • Showered in gifts – nice to have but the right one would rather have your time.

What women think is important in a partner:

  • Confidence Strength training will give you more of that.
  • Security – To feel safe and secure. Strength training will give you more of that too.
  • Company – To feel their partner has time for them
    (not self-obsessed with the gym). Strength training will give you more of that.
  • Cared for – You can’t properly care for others until you can care for yourself. Did I mention Strength training?

So if you can spare one to one and a half hours, between one and a maximum of three times a week, I have the perfect combination of exercise and nutrition. Not only will this programme make you more confident, physically capable and healthier, but it will also free up time from those obsessive four, five and even six-day split routines or endless cardio you think you need to do.

How does it work?

Training one to three times a week with a whole body programme enables you to make rapid incremental strength gains over the first twelve weeks (covered by this programme). After which a more tailored approach may be needed (my one-to-one coaching service) or you may well find just continuing the programme enough.

Nutrition is the key to healthy weight management, whether for weight loss, weight gain or maintenance. It’s also key to health! By simply changing a few habits, (one at a time) we can make massive changes to the quality of your diet.

Accountability is also included to help keep you on course. You just need to log in to the app daily to see what you need to do and then mark it off as complete when you’re done. Repeating these tasks over and over is key to making new habits stick. So, the more you complete the better your results get.

Support is provided in a weekly group coaching call (about 15 minutes max) where I go through a nutrition topic, help you set a plan for the coming week and answer any questions that have come up over the week. Don’t worry if you can’t make it live recordings will be made available and if you email me your questions beforehand I’ll try to cover them in the call. 

So, if it sounds like you need help with any of this book a FREE call below and see if this programme is right for you.

Online Coaching Enquiry

Okay, let me give you some information about how I work with our clients…

I offer complete programs covering everything you need to know to get the best results possible from your fitness program.

This means I spend a lot of time working with our clients on both your nutrition and your exercise program, which are required for achieving serious results. I have clients that come for just program design, and then follow through with their programs on their own (either at home or in their gym). I also have clients who meet with me anywhere from 1–3 times a week depending on their goals, motivation, and budget.

But, for all the programs I generally recommend at least a 12-week initial commitment. The investment runs anywhere from £45 to £435 per month (and up) for one-to-one, or from £67 per month for online, semi-private & small groups depending on which option you choose and what’s best for you.

Thanks for your interest. Please complete the form below before booking your free success call. 

This will help me help you more effectively.

Talk soon. 

Online Coaching Enquiry

I offer a complete 12 week programme that cover everything you need to get in better shape than you’ve been in for the last 10 years. For that reason I not only cover a lot of nutrition and exercise components of the programme, but also behaviour change and mindset. The programme is delivered via an app (or on this website) and includes an onboarding call and weekly ZOOM webinars (recording made available to those unable to attend).

The investment is £480.00 upfront payment or two monthly payments of £250.

If this is within your budget please book your call below.

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