You have two choices when you enter training. You can be โ€œinโ€ it, or you can be โ€œintoโ€ it. As you will be reminded by the final lion story of the week, enthusiasm and passion will never fail you.

There were once two lions who lived in the African savannah. The first one, Louise the Lion loved hunting.ย She enjoyed every aspect of it.ย She loved the thrill of the hunt and the drama of the kill.ย She looked forward to hunting, constantly looked for opportunities to develop her skills and became highly proficient.

The second one, Larry the Lion didnโ€™t like hunting at all.ย In fact, he dreaded it.ย His stomach would be gurgling with hunger and would still hesitate to go hunting. He would sigh and stalk his prey with slumped shoulders and a half-hearted effort. As a result, he wasnโ€™t very effective and often went home hungry.

We arenโ€™t too different from these lions.

I know many talented people who are passionate about their work.ย They throw themselves into their tasks with energy and are intent upon developing their skills to an elite level.

And then there are equally talented people who donโ€™t particularly like what they do for a living or like to workout.ย They dread work and find every excuse possible to do a mediocre job.

You have an important choice in life.

You can choose to find work that you love, or you can go through life hating what you do. But you have to work, so why not love it?

And of the two above, guess which lion goes hungry?



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