When you started, you may have felt that fitness had slowly but surely gotten away from you. Maybe, the same could be for some of your relationships or even work too. But thereโ€™s great news, as you see improved fitness, you can improve other areas of your life as well. Todayโ€™s story shows you how to do just that and get life back on track.

In the 1780โ€™s, a boat shipwrecked off the coast of Hadawax Island off the coast of Alaska, and a few stowaway Norway rats made their way onto the island, resulting in a mass infestation so great that the island was re-named Rat Island.

After their arrival, the rats decimated the local bird population, eating eggs, chicks and even adult birds.

In September 2008, a group called Island Conservation, intervened and successfully removed all the rats from the island. As a result, much of the local bird life has recovered, with many species returning to the island that havenโ€™t been seen there for many years.

It was an extraordinary recovery and a great result for wildlife conservation.

Just like that island, you may have rats in your life. Itโ€™s easy to develop bad habits that start small and slowly get bigger until they take over your life and you become defined by them.

But itโ€™s not too late. If you have already started with your workouts, use this as motivation and continue to make the changes you need to.

Get rid of the rats!

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