Itโ€™s easy sometimes to believe that doing one small thing wonโ€™t make much of a difference. But when we understand the bigger picture, one seemingly insignificant action can make a massive difference. It could even change your life! Whether it is starting with getting one pushup or chin up or an improvement of one rep on a Challenge, small changes lead to big things. Todayโ€™s story is a reminder that your actions hold bigger implications and lead bigger ripples than you might think.

Entrepreneur and prominent environmentalist, Sir Richard Branson, recently shared a story. It was about a local businessman and turtle advocate from the British Virgin Islands.

One day, when he was coming in from a tour, the businessman noticed that a fisherman had caught a beautiful hawksbill sea turtle.

Without hesitating, he purchased the turtle (which was otherwise destined for someoneโ€™s soup bowl) for $50 and released it back into the sea.

It may only be one turtle that he was saving. But the man had reckoned that this one turtle has the opportunity to lay hundreds of eggs over the course of its life. Possibly making it a key contributor to the saving of this critically endangered and remarkable species.

Sir Richard Branson

One smile. One word of encouragement. One generous act. One moment of kindness. Could change your life.

You could change your life and the lives of others with just one these things. Rest assured that one small action rarely ends just there. We donโ€™t know where it ends.

So, what small thing are you going to do today? What is there that has the potential to make a lasting difference in the world around you?

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