At 40 you should still be able to make good progression with most exercises. But if you are not currently exercising simplicity will work best. If you’re like me when I hit 40 a six pack was no longer the ultimate goal! I still wanted to look trained but single figure body fat was not on the agenda, too much like hard work and sacrifice. Functional ability was now my priority. In comes strength training!

It’s important at this point to be aware strength training and bodybuilding are NOT the same animal. While some of the exercise used may seam the same the variables used are very different. So is the effect on the human body. Let have a look at some of those differences and how they may affect you.


It’s obviously your call at the end of the day. But if you want a fitness programme the will not require you to give up your life, be in pain 24 hours after every workout and still improve ALL health markers, then strength training is the way forward. If you’re looking for a strength programme why not try my 14 day programme of free

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