Can You Save A Turtle?

Can You Save a Turtle?

Itโ€™s easy sometimes to believe that doing one small thing wonโ€™t make much of a difference. But when we understand the bigger picture, one seemingly insignificant action can make a massive difference. It could even change your life! Whether it is starting with getting one pushup or chin up or an improvement of one rep […]

The Cave

You do not have to give up your life to get healthy and fit. You have to learn to live within the guidelines that your goals and your body dictate. As you well know, you cannot have both at the same time. At some point, you must learn to say no to yourself and enter into the cave to get your treasure.

Guess Which Lion Goes Hungry

There were once two lions who lived in the African savannah. The first one, Louise the Lion loved hunting.ย She enjoyed every aspect of it.ย She loved the thrill of the hunt and the drama of the kill.ย She looked forward to hunting, constantly looked for opportunities to develop her skills and became highly proficient.

Are You at Your Full Potential?

full Potential

Now, despite what others have said or what you actually thought about yourself in the pastโ€ฆyou are capable of great things! I believe in you. So Get Focused! Get Motivated! and take advantage your abilities! Remember that this is a journeyโ€ฆnot a quick fix. The trick is staying positive and surrounding yourself with positive people. Your full potential is yours but only you can know it and reach it!!! Do not sell yourself short.

How A Lion Deals With Critics

If you have critics in your life, donโ€™t let them win by giving up.
Keep working on your craft, developing your skills to become great.

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