The Carrot, The Egg and the Coffee Bean

“Which are you?” the mother asked her daughter. “When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?”

Do Your Best

When exactly is it ever a good reason to not do your best? Never!

The Power of Generosity

Generous people are in much better health.ย  Being able to step outside of oneself and give is an essential ingredient for happiness.


We waste our most valuable commodity โ€“ time โ€“ responding to what we think is urgent while ignoring the truly important.

Whatโ€™s More Valuable

At some point in time we have to take a look deep within ourselves and ask this question, โ€œWhat do I really want for myself.โ€ I think that if you were honest, your answer might surprise you.

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