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Try the 5 habit diet for yourself

Use The 5 Habit Diet

Cut out and put your 5 Habit Cheat Sheet in your purse or wallet. Use it to remind you of what you want on your plate. Following these five targets will guarantee you success wherever you eat.

custom order at restaurant

Choose Custom Meals

Restaurants will design their meals based on typical customer expectations. However you need to avoid the trap of eating “typical” meals. So, instead of the carbohydrate heavy, sauce-laden, or no-vegetable fare, you should look for meals that are compliant with your meal plan and current habits. Most restaurants now offer such meals.

liquid nutrition

Liquid Nutrition

There is nothing like a deliciously creamy and cold blended Super Shake, if you don’t have a blender at work you’ve got three choices.

Protein prep bbq chicken


A great way to save time in the kitchen is to pre-cook your protein for the week. A barbecue or countertop grill is great for this job, but you can also roast or broil a large batch of protein, such as chicken breasts, turkey sausage, or burgers on shopping day (while you pre-chop your vegetables) and refrigerate them until needed.

Morning Ritual Food Prep

The Breakfast Ritual

Remember, though, skipping a meal isn’t the end of the world. Obsessive preparation can sometimes be just as bad as no preparation. The key is simply making healthier choices when confronted with an unexpected scheduling twist.

Sunday Rytual Food prep

The Sunday Ritual

With the Sunday Ritual we set aside three hours or so every Sunday (any day will do) to write out a menu for the week, shop for the week, and prep meals for the week. This doesn’t need to be a finicky, obsessive compulsive affair. The idea is to simply make the rest of the week easier by doing a little prep work in advance.

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